(Centennial) - Jaimes Brown, Libertarian candidate for Governor, announced he has secured a position on the Colorado August 10th Libertarian state primary ballot for governor of Colorado.
During the recent annual Libertarian Party of Colorado state convention, Brown qualified for the summer primary. This Libertarian state primary is a first for Colorado.
Brown noted that his campaign will focus on:
- Jobs
- Heath Care Diversification
- Energy Diversity
- Education
- Taxes
- Criminal Justice Reform
- Civil Rights
Brown will also target reducing state government spending, reprioritizing victimless crimes, and maximizing state educational opportunities.
In addition, Brown noted that he will encourage the Colorado legislature and Attorney General to assert Colorado's 10th Amendment rights when dealing with the federal government.
Brown, a front range real estate appraiser, is a local political activist and musician. He resides in Centennial with his wife and two children.
To learn more about Jaimes Brown, you can visit his website at:
Jaimes has some extremely well-thought out positions on issues ranging from stopping the special interest monopoly on government, to allowing individuals to do as they choose with their own bodies, even if it harms them. Kudos Jaimes, I'd vote for you, no doubt.....
Posted by: ShortySmallz | May 18, 2010 at 10:41 AM
Access denied to his site.
Posted by: retank | May 23, 2010 at 10:58 PM